Murad Transforming Skincare through the science of cellular water
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Offering Programs for Ageless Living—Based on the Science of Cellular Water™

Some men and women seem ageless. Science has long sought to discover the secret that gives these lucky few an apparent age that is much below their actual chronological age. That secret has finally been revealed. The answer to the age-old question of how to preserve youth is deceptively simple—water.


Pioneering research dermatologist, Dr. Howard Murad, has discovered that, just as cut flowers lose their beauty prematurely unless they are given fresh water to draw into their cells, if we allow our cells to lose water, we too will "wither" prematurely. Dr. Murad calls his discovery, the Cellular Water Principal. He has founded Murad Inclusive Health Center as the first place of its kind where an elite team of health and wellness professionals is dedicated to using The Science of Cellular Water to help people take control of the aging process. Using this "Inclusive," multi-disciplinary approach to bring the benefits of his research to each client, Dr. Murad's Inclusive Health Center creates the world's most effective individually tailored programs and treatments designed to reduce the rate of cellular aging.


It begins with a scientific truth: Water is the essence of life. As you age, internal and external elements damage the cells and weaken their ability to retain water. This can result in wrinkles and sagging skin that make you look older than you are. It can even contribute to disease.


Based on The Science of Cellular Water™, we can repair and strengthen the cells throughout your whole body and hydrate them to turn back the clock on the signs of aging.


Clients have experienced remarkable results including:

  • Tightened and firmer skin with improved overall skin clarity
  • Increased energy, mental acuity and metabolism
  • Reduced body fat
  • Stronger hair, nails and connective tissue
  • Decreased bloating, puffiness and joint pain
  • Improved digestion, circulation, bone density and sleep pattern


The journey to looking and feeling your best takes a few simple steps:

  • Receive an Inclusive Health® Evaluation: A Lifestyle Practitioner will guide you through a lifestyle evaluation and a series of scientific tests, designed to evaluate every aspect of your health from the condition of your skin to your physical and emotional well being.

  • Follow your customized Murad Method program: Based on your Inclusive Health Evaluation results, a benchmark will be established and you will receive a personalized Prescription for Health with topical, internal and stress reduction instructions to guide you to your optimal health.

  • Measure your results: Not only will you look and feel better, you'll also see changes on a cellular level. We will track your progress in the program with our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools.
In order to provide a baseline and quantifiable measures to help track your progress, your Inclusive Health Evaluation includes complexion analysis using a VISIA machine. The VISIA uses advanced imaging technology to create an objective measure of your skin's health including your level of photodamage, wrinkle frequency and depth and pore congestion.